Glorious Taco

Someday, we'll all have a good laugh about this….

Calling all Masculinists! July 9, 2010

Filed under: Gender — equinette19 @ 12:23 am
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Ho-ley cow.

I’ve been visiting masculinist sites, looking for friends to populate my links with, because all of my links right now are fat liberation/body acceptance/feminist blogs.  In my search, I realized something that should have been apparent since I looked up masculinism on Wikipedia;

Some of these people, ah, aren’t inclined to think kindly of women.  And by that I mean fiery burning napalm hate.

I’m currently reading an entry from, otherwise known as MENZ Issues.  It was founded by the Men’s Center of North Shore, Inc., and is now an open forum for men’s issues in New Zealand.   The post is called “Feminism and World War III”, and my heart sinks even before I begin reading the comparisons between feminism, psychological warfare and WWII propaganda.  My roots with civil rights and equality started with feminism, so I was dismayed, but not exactly surprised, by the article.  I’m sure that particularly zealous feminist groups have employed tactics used in psychological warfare, but that can be said of any prominent, publicized group with an agenda.  People who agree with the message call it informative.  People who don’t call it propaganda.

As I said, the article didn’t really shock me.  The comments did. Some of them were thoughtful commentaries on child support, fathers’ rights, and divorce bias.  However, interspersed with these were statements of intense anger directed towards women.  I’ve copied and pasted some of them here, but I strongly encourage you to follow the link above and read them in their original context.

“I am no longer a man but a slave to the capricious and irrational and irresponsible women that populate this country. I can honestly say that I do not even like women anymore, and never want to have a relationship with one again. I really believe, based upon considerable study (and I am a scientist – ecologist), that most if not almost all women are disposed this way.”

“Here is a question for you. Besides giving birth and raising children have women EVER contributed much to civilisation?”

“It seems all women are capable of doing is ripping civilisation down with irrational and dishonest behaviour that has attacked Western civilization at the root.”

“Wisdom, reason, common sense, objective analysis of facts and data in compliance with the Scientific Method are all MALE traits. They all rely on LOGIC AND REASON. Not emotion.”

“All women are psychopaths. That’s not a nice thing to say because psychopaths are not nice, but it is true. When a girl enters puberty, a huge amount of resources are redirected from development of the central nervous system (including the brain) to the reproductive system.”

“I disagree with Dave that women want to have relationships with men. Women want to control and manipulate men. That is not the same thing as a relationship. A relationship requires mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas and information and cooperation and negotiation. Women are incapable of thought or ideas or exchanging information or cooperating or negotiating.”

I’m guessing that the authors of these comments are mostly disenfranchised fathers who have been raked over the coals in divorce court and now have to pay child support and alimony to someone who broke their heart.  I’ve said some pretty nasty things about men just because of petty little breakups with boyfriends.  I can’t imagine the rage and pain caused as you watch someone you built a life with be supported by your country’s legal system as they take away your children, your house, and a pretty big chunk of your money.

Look, guys, I understand (as much as a single, childless woman can understand the pain of a divorced father).  But I think that the kind of thinking expressed in the comments listed above is harmful to everyone involved.  And now I shall rant about it:

I don’t think it’s ever okay to lump every person of a certain distinction into one negative description.  First of all, that takes away the voice of the individual.  Second, it makes people feel like they’re on separate sides of a “war”, and a war between the sexes is the last thing we need.  Wait, that’s dumb.  War is the last thing we need, and it doesn’t matter what type.  Unless you’re a small arms dealer, in which case, war is great news.  That’s a whole different can of worms.

What I don’t get is the sense in anger and hate.  Okay, I’ll admit that being angry helped me complete my hike in record time today, but what good does being angry at a certain sex do?  You close yourself off from an entire world of human experience and information, not only by limiting yourself to one worldview, but also by turning people of that group off when they read nasty comments like those above.  That goes for feminists who rail about men being brutish and domineering; or straight people who bellow and snort and thump their bibles at gay people; or anyone who makes racist jokes.

If it sounds like I’m screaming “Why can’t we all just get along?”….well, yeah.  I am.

Learning about your rights and fighting unfair practices can be done without saying things that widen the gulf between the two “sides”.  It’s hardly fair to turn your back on an entire group of people just because a few of them hurt you.  Individuals!  People are individuals!

I am a woman.  I’m also a daughter.  And a writer.  And a wildlife enthusiast.  I love getting dirty and banged up and riding with the windows down while I blast zydeco music till my ears hurt.  I fight against inequality caused by gender differences, but I don’t blame it on men.  Hell, I’m not even really mad at the systems that reinforce harmful gender roles and pit the sexes against each other.  I just want to change it.

However, I can talk all I want, but it’s nothing without feedback.

What I really want is to hear from the masculinists floating out there in the web-o-sphere: How do you feel about the comments listed from the MENZ article, “Feminism and World War III”?  Do you agree or disagree with these views?  Why or why not?  What are some issues facing men that don’t get as much press as divorce court and paternity laws?  Comment and let me know what you think.



22 Responses to “Calling all Masculinists!”

  1. Darryl Says:

    It’s not that I and others don’t think kindly of women. I condemn certain behaviors that are irresponsible, self-serving, unproductive, dishonest, psychopathic, insincere, disingenuous, possessed of excessive sense of entitlement, etc… Unfortunately, feminism is defined completely by these absolutely destructive behaviors, and almost all women I know (if not all) are defined almost exclusively by these behaviors. I am employed by the US government, and eleven of twelve men I work with in my outfit have been falsely accused of crimes, which are punishable by imprisonment. Further investigation reveals that almost nine of ten adult men in the US have been accused (formally or not) of crimes punishable by extensive time in prison if they were convicted. I myself have been accused of rape by two women during the last twenty-five years, but I never raped them. They did not pursue me through the legal system with their allegations, but the gossip mill has had a dramatic and negative effect on my life and my contributions to civilization. That being said, what really happened is that they cheated on me or committed adultery, and to distract everyone from their real criminal behavior, they accused me of rape. And to their twisted and dysfunctional brains, rape is consensual sex about which they feel guilt years later. But they call it rape because it makes them feel better – when a woman believes that her feelings are more important than everyone else’s reality, it is called solipsism. But then when they say “rape”, reasonable people apply a real definition to those accusations and “consensual sex about which the woman feels guilt or regret years later” beomes “forcable carnal knowledge of and or sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent”, and there is nothing I or any man can do about it. More than one-third of all men in prison are there because of crimes they did not commit and were falsely accused by a woman. If you consider the crimes for which they are accused and convicted formally and imprisoned for, almost two-thirds of men are in prison because of false allegations by women that led to the criminal behavior of men indirectly. Those alleged crimes are anything from “child-support” arrears resulting from denial of custody because a woman falsely accused the man of domestic violence and child abuse to rape (the man may not have been guilty or convicted of child abuse, but the false accusation led to his loss of custody and destitution, which then let to arrears or other crimes of necessity and then imprisonment). The definition of rape has varied dramatically over the last forty years and now is considered any sexual behavior to which a woman has consented but later regrets or feels guilty about and “later” can be a decade and there doesn’t have to be any evidence of rape let alone the sexual activity alleged. Furthermore, charges for false allegations against men by women are almost never pursued through the legal system. So, the lies by women are not discouraged, and in most instances are actively encouraged and rewarded. And the consequences may not be just imprisonment, but destitution or the loss of relationship with children (I would rather be in prison or dead than lose the loving relationship with my children). Men are angry and they have every reason to be angry and if something isn’t done to address their anger in a responsible and meaningful and compassionate way, they will rebel because the circumstances that we are presently enduring and suffering miserably from are absolutely destructive to our lives and civilization. If women are that oblivious to the consequences of their criminal behavior or if they are aware of the consequences and don’t care, then they have no place in a civilization. They will reep what they sew and will be living out in the wilderness eating insects (or more likely each other after they have eaten all the men) because civilization will have collapsed. If you analyze the current state of our global economy, it is collapsing and that collapse will accelerate. That collapse has resulted directly from the unpunished criminal behavior of women. If you consider every element of our collapsing economy, the irresponsible behavior of women is at its roots. I predict a very bleak future for humans, especially women, and it may be too late to do anything about it. Exploiting and trafficking children the way women have during the past forty years can only end in absolute destruction of civilization. The fate of most children without their fathers (and I mean their real fathers) is questionable at best. And they are our future. Women are exploiting our future for their own self-serving and short-sited excesses and addictions.

  2. Darryl Says:

    This is not about the “pain of a divorced father”. Such a comment reveals the complete ignorance of women about these problems. Feelings such as pain are irrelevant in these matters. With divorce and other serious problems women have wrought for men are real practical problems for which there are no practical or legal solutions. Stop trying to describe the consequences of the criminal behavior of women for men in terms of feelings, and acknowledge the real practical consequences and identify solutions. Your feelings are irrelevant in these matters. If you can’t discuss the problem in real practical terms, then don’t discuss it. Reducing such practical consequences of female criminal behavior, including parental alienation and false allegations of rape, to feelings is solipsism and is irresponsible and will accelerate the collapse of our economies. Until you take the time and invest the necessary effort and resources to understand the problems you are addressing in objective and practical ways instead of responding to them with your feelings, no progress will be made. Obstinate refusal to invest the resources necessary for understanding these problems that women are solely responsible for is lazy, and anyone that can only define these problems in an emotional way should be ashamed of their laziness. Emotions are a very slippery slope and subject to considerable interpretation and manipulation and misunderstanding. The only solution to these problems will be practical ones – NOT emotional. It’s bad enough that men like me have to do all your other work for you, but on top of that we have to be ashamed for you too because you don’t even have the sense to be ashamed yourself. Oh, by the way, take a good look at yourself in the context of malignant narcissism and psychopathy. Lack of guilt and shame is an important part of the definition. Another important characteristic of psychopathy, psychopathology and malignant narcissism is lack of analytical skills (constantly reducing everything they experience to an emotional level because they can’t mitigate their emotions with intellect and objective thinking).

    • equinette19 Says:

      Thank you for your enthusiastic and prolific replies, Darryl. I didn’t mean to belittle the consequences of gender inequality in divorce; it is indeed something that I have a limited understanding of. So, yes, at this point, talking about men’s issues in terms of feelings is the way that I get my head around it because I have not even scratched the surface of the difficulties men face in our society. However, I don’t mind talking about a subject I’m relatively ignorant about because conversation and feedback helps me understand it better. I definitely operate in a world dominated by feelings and my own limited experience, and I force myself to broaden my horizons by tackling issues I want to learn more about and soliciting the feedback of people, like you, who have a better understanding of them than I do. Yes, my article on masculinist anger was definitely about feelings, which are a small part of the multitude of issues facing men in our society. I wrote the article mainly out of sadness that so many men feel this way about women, and a desire to urge people to open their minds and interact with each other on an individual basis. It’s a very broad, simplistic “solution” to a very specific, complex problem. And the problem won’t fix itself unless people like me come to understand and work towards policies that don’t discriminate against men. Emotions are only a starting point for me in understanding this issue, but I have to start somewhere. While we may disagree on some points, Darryl, I appreciate your input tremendously and I strongly encourage you to come back and visit and leave your opinions as I explore issues in inequality in the future. Also, would you leave me a list of your favorite men’s issues sites?

  3. Darryl Says:

    Misrepresenting elimination of all Constitutional and civil rights, imprisonment for crimes we didn’t commit, loss of our children, complete financial destruction, suspension of passports and driver licenses and credit, slavery, child trafficking, etc… to “a broken heart” is ridiculous and a perfect description of the manipulative way feminists and their enablers have perverted civilization. You should be ashamed of yourself to portray such horrible crimes and tyranny that way. That’s why we’re in the trouble we are.

    • equinette19 Says:

      I did not mean to sum up the entirety of men’s experiences and the injustices they suffer in so small a term. What I was trying to address was anger and how hate and stereotyping is detrimental to progress and peace. I was also trying to reach out to men who have been wronged by unjust practices, and put some perspective on the misogynist comments I saw under “Feminism and World War III.” I wanted people to know that I was trying to understand why people would say such terrible things about women; that even though the comments attacked me, personally, as a woman, that I still wanted to understand where the authors were coming from. I acknowledge that I am ignorant about the men’s movement, but I don’t think ignorance is something to be ashamed of as long as one takes steps to become less ignorant. I will probably never have the depth of knowledge that you do on the issues facing men, but I will continue to educate myself about them and discuss them here because that is the reason I started the blog: to open my experience to other people and allow them to help me broaden my mind. If you would, leave me a few links that can help me and other people new to the masculnist movement. Thanks!

  4. Darryl Says:

    Referring to people, who support basic Constitutional and civil rights, as masculinists also is very misleading. Does that mean that men are the only ones who support the Constitution and civil rights and are beholden to them and the laws drafted and enforced in support of them and that women are exempt from law. That’s a frightening philosophy. Either women and men are beholden to the same laws or there is no equality under the law, and if there is no equality then women can have their rights to vote, be employed and own property taken away just as quickly as the rights to parent their children (or even associate with them) and to due process under the law were taken away from men.

  5. Darryl Says:

    The difference between suspending the aforementioned rights is this: If you take away the rights of men to parenthood and due process and condemn them to slavery, civilization will collapse. If you take away the rights of women to vote, own property and be employed, civilization will prosper. All anyone has to do is look at the results of feminism over the past forty years. As bad as the past forty years have been, the future is even more bleak. Men didn’t do this. Women did. And punishing and enslaving men for the criminal acts of women isn’t going to fix the problem – it will only make it worse. I anticipate circumstances are going to get much much much worse in the near future. A review of the fate of any empire or nation that has tried to go where feminists are currently taking us now is a good predictor of the fate of the “developed” world.

  6. Darryl Says:

    Hey, dumb dumb, “the entire world of human experience” has been closed off already when the Constitutional and civil rights of so many men were eliminated, their children were taken away from them and denied access to them, they spent time in jail for crimes they didn’t commit, were financially destroyed and denied ALL resources that women take for granted to recover from financial loss. On top of that, the most basic emotional instincts to pursue enjoyment of a woman’s companionship and sleep next to her and enjoy her aroma and flavor and enjoy a good fuck once in a while have to compete with the practical realities that if they ever have children together, the probability she will snatch them and use them as hostages for ransom is too great. Also, the probability that she will commit paternity fraud is not as great as snatching the children, but great enough that cost of raising someone else’s children with their back-breaking labor is devastating. Throw in the great probability that she will cheat on her husband or boyfriend and lie about it while looking into his eyes saying “I love you”, and most men have to ask themselves “why would I do this to myself?” When you suggest that not all women are like this, you are wrong. ALL women are like this. I am forty-two years old and a scientist capable of sophisticated and objective analysis of complex data sets. My personal experience, anecdotal experience from others (men and women) and objective analysis of facts and huge volumes of data in compliance with the Scientific Method reveals that ALL women have committed egregious crimes against at least one man in their lives without provocation or legitimate reason or out of necessity and they have lied about it (ok, 90%, but with numbers that high it might just as well be all, and really I’m not including women who enable other women to commit these crimes, so when you include them, it probably is 100%). At least one-third of all women pursue unilateral divorce and lie about the reasons. But that’s not enough, then they have to snatch the children and destroy the man financially too while they live in the lap of luxury. And that’s just considering one act – initiating divorce, and already you have one-third of all adult women. Relationships are based upon trust. ALL women are untrustworthy. They can’t open their mouths without lying unless a dick is stuck in it. My disposition is not hateful – the disposition of ALL women is, and I am simply responding to it in a practical way that hurts no-one but still promotes the most basic survival of men. Although it sounds like I’m judging, I’m not, and sorry if I am or if it sounds like I am. I’m just stating objective facts. They are not pleasant but that’s not my problem. Blaming men for their response to your mistreatment of them is part of the pathology – it would be better if you just stopped mistreating them. It’s not hateful or abusive for a man to identify the pathological behavior of women and condemn them for it. Women’s pathological behavior is hateful. That’s how narcissistic women are – they are completely oblvious to the destructiveness of their own behavior and they project it on everyone else to assuage themselves of the guilt they feel for their own misbehavior. Projection is a very unsophisticated and child-like coping mechanism. Unfortunately, most women haven’t developed beyond that even when they are well into adulthood.

  7. Darryl Says:

    How clueless can you be. You say “A war between the sexes is the last thing we need.” Hey, Sweetheart, women initiated a war against men forty years ago and because men were too busy and distracted sustaining civilization for you, they got their asses annihilated. As a woman, you have NEVER known abject poverty or losing your children or working hard to achieve a goal. The war happened and its over and now you women have to endure the consequences of rapidly declining civilization. I won’t support it for you – and you can’t support it yourselves because you are not emotionally or intellectually capable. Unless you want to pay me back the millions of dollars you stole and squandered on your excesses and addictions, give me back our children you snatched, eliminate my arrest record based upon your false allegations, restore my career that you destroyed by forcing me by law to follow you around this Godforesaken country so I don’t lose touch with my children, then I won’t support your civilization. And I was before. And without me and others like me, you won’t sustain it. Things are going to get very very dark soon. And I and many other men will not be looking to a woman for comfort, as any comfort they pretend to give is short-sited, insincere and disingenuous. And if you think the next generation of boys is different and will pitch in, don’t count on it. Most of them aren’t going to college and are not educating themselves because they know that if they are educated that their child support orders will be based upon their earning potential as afforded by their educations. So, why go to college? Why even have jobs at all? So much of the income goes to the woman and her boy-friend anyway that it’s not worth even working, let alone go to college. A friend of mine is a top administrator at a local hospital – salary in the six digits. His brother-in-law refuses to work while his wife is a school teacher and they have a modest household income. My friend and his family hate his brother-in-law because he refuses to work and support his family. One day, he asked me about his brother-in-law and what I thought. And here’s my response: (1) Q Does he see his children every day and do they love him? A Yes. (2) Q Did he have to spend eleven years of his life in front of a lab bench living in abject poverty without a personal life to make ends meet while pursuing an education? A No. (3) Q If and when his wife leaves him for another man, will his income be imputed as a function of his earning potential in decision of his child support order? A No, he doesn’t have a job. (4) Q Does his wife work and do they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle? A Yes. (5) Q If he gets a job, will it afford them anymore necessities that they don’t already have? A No. (6) Q If he gets a job, will it give him an income an agency for Child Support Enforcement can garnish and if he loses his job will he go to jail? A Yes. That man is the smartest man in the world because his children love him and if he gets a job, the mother will make sure they don’t. This man cares more about his children than anyone else and they know it because he shows them every day by not getting a job so he can be with them and so the courts can’t take them away from him. If he had a job, the State would take his children away in pursuit of federal subsidies. That man has made incredible sacrifices for his children that women have never made because they are too self-serving and lazy. Men have no incentive to work anymore, so it’s completely up to the women now. I won’t work anymore. Find a qualified woman to replace me or a man stupid enough to want my job. Good luck. As more and more men do what I and my friend’s brother-in-law did, the responsibility will be on the women. And women can’t do it. So, civilization will collapse. Oh well, prostitution, legal or not, is still just as emotionally satisfying than marriage and cheaper. That’s how bad all women are, as a principled man, I and many others would rather spend money on a night with prostitute than waste it with a wife. Prostitutes are cheaper than a wife and just as or more emotionally engaged and sincere. Basically, that’s what all women have become by selling their children to the State – prostitutes. Good luck to all of you and shame on what you’ve done. War? You won. Now what, idiots?

  8. Darryl Says:

    The comments are not “nasty”. They are statements of fact. I don’t like women – get over yourself. At least 50% of all women, and as many as 75%, commit adultery. These are facts. You just don’t like them. You’re projecting again. That’s a symptom of severe mental illness far more than a man’s disagreement with a woman is abusive. Give me a break. Just because a man disagrees with a woman doesn’t make him abusive, but that is actually institutionalized in law now. A husband’s disagreement with his wife or objection to her criminal behavior has actually been used in countless court cases as an example of his abuse and domestic violence. Don’t believe me, look it up. There are plenty of legitimate objective sources. Now any reasonable person would agree that disagreement and polite objection is NOT abuse, but feminists have institutionalized in law that they are. That being said, your complaint that reasonable conclusions based upon factual information and data analyzed objectively in compliance with the Scientific Method are “nasty” IS a symptom of severe mental illness because it is an example of your addiction to controlling everything around you, including the factual information that is in the public domain. Also, you complain that my dislike (actually disgust is a better word) is something “nasty”. That’s my practical disposition toward women based upon an objective analysis of their treatment of me. I’m entitled to that disposition and I can express it all I want and it is not or should not be a crime because it has no practical consequences for anyone. It just may hurt your feelings. But that isn’t a crime. That your feelings are hurt and you blame me for your feelings being hurt and hold me responsible for and hostage to your feelings IS an example of mental illness on your part. It’s called solipsism, Sweetie, and is a symptom of malignant narcissism which is a characteristic of the absolutely most dangerous and debilitating mental illnesses there are. Prioritizing your emotions above everyone else’s practical reality is VERY VERY sick. Get help you pathetic creature. How do you live with yourself? How many lives of men have you destroyed so you can live with yourself? How many women does it take to enable such solipsism so you can live with yourself? Get over yourself. I am tired of being a slave to your feelings. Keep them to yourself. Invest more time and effort in improving the practical reality of those around you instead of demanding that everyone bow down and worship you feelings while civilization collapses. Jesus, is it any wonder why I wouldn’t waste time with someone like you. A conversation gets very boring very fast probably when its about nothing but your feelings.

  9. Darryl Says:

    Actually, I just realized a made a mistake in a previous comment. It IS a crime to hurt a woman’s feelings. I can go to jail for it. Wow. Think about it. And you wonder why percent of men marrying has declined precipitously and the number of young men going to college has also declined precipitously. You’ve made it literally impossible to live. Is there anything you haven’t criminalized about men?

  10. John Feenstra Says:

    For the last 25 years with all this radical social engineering feminism here in N.Z and other Western European Countries ,where Manhood and Fatherhood as being ‘Demonized’…Yes Lady I can remember the Kiwi Feminists protesting with there placards stating ‘All Men are Rapists’…Lady,you can take you your ‘Feminazi’ social engineering feminism and shove where the sun doesn’t shine…
    Have a look at the following websites……and also on ‘You tube’….I dare you too,and with the rest of your Kiwi Feminazi cohorts …..!!!

    1/ Erin Pizzey

    2/ Angry Harry

    3/ Marriage strike…M.G.T.O.W ( Men going there own way}

    Oh, remember what happen to ‘Peter Ellis ‘…that was nothing more then a Kiwi Feminazi feminist witch hunt…

    John Dutchie

    • equinette19 Says:

      Thanks for the great suggestions, John. I will make sure to check them out.

    • equinette19 Says:

      I typed in Erin Pizzey on youtube and actually wound up with a great interview with both her AND Angry Harry. Angry Harry was was really helped me to come around and realize how biased my beliefs were. I was struck by how much I immediately liked him; he didn’t seem like the misogynistic lunatic I’d imagined when I’d read his website a couple months back. For some reason I’d imagined a character like Walt Kowalski from Gran Torino, scowling around a cigarette while he sat in a white rocking chair, stroking a rifle and dreaming up ways he could blame the collapse of civilization on women. Not so, Vanessa. He’s actually a soft-spoken little slip of a man, and you think he’s kind of cute. And he makes a lot of sense.

      Then I watched a video that was basically “men’s issues 4 dummies”. For some reason that was a turning point for me, and that’s when I wrote my apology to the angry MENZ. I felt like I had told someone who’s brother had been murdered not to be angry at the murderer. Well, urging people not to stereotype each other is great, but I went about it in a way that mostly alienated my target audience. I think that some people may have recognized post as well-intentioned, if off the mark. In any case, if my effectiveness can be judged by the replies I’ve gotten, I failed to generate thoughtful discussion and succeeded in pissing some guys off. And many of them were probably good people with valuable feedback they would have shared with me had I not taken to finger-shaking so quickly. Perhaps it is best to battle stereotypes not so much by admonishing people for making them, but by learning why it happens and making sure I don’t behave in a way that reinforces the stereotype. If some men think women are out solely to oppress men, I should learn about men’s issues and fight against the inequality. I should not only yell at media that makes fun of fat chicks, but commercials that portray men as bumbling idiots.

      BTW I’m not a kiwi, though that would be awesome. And I don’t think I’m a feminazi, but I suppose that’s open to interpretation. If I am, then I am a very confused feminazi, because I’m sympathetic to many of the complaints of masculism against feminism, and become more so as I learn about the injustices particularly in divorce court and child custody.

  11. Darryl Says:

    The most dynamic people concerning violation of Constitutional and civil rights in divorce and custody and child support (against both men AND women, but almost all men) are:

    (1) Glenn Sacks (a former attorney in California, who has been very active in promoting shared parenting, fair child support laws, accuracy in domestic violence reporting and legislation)

    (2) Stephen Baskerville – an excellent writer who is an accomplished and respected political scientist with extraordinary insight concerning the influence of feminism and other social and political movements on Constitutional and civil rights of people – not just men but women too, but most laws restrict the Constitutional and civil rights of men. Stephen was President of the American Coalition of Fathers and Children. He wrote the remarkable book “Taken into Custody” about the institutionalized snatching and trafficking of children in the US and the developed world (more than fifty-two million children have been snatched from their fathers in the US – makes you wonder why we’re not at war yet – SOON). Stephen is one of the remarkable thinkers of the past 20 years because he has had the courage to defy conventional wisdom and political correctness and define a problem before its actual practical consequences were apparent. He was and continues to be ahead of his time in promoting thought about civil rights and the Constitution. He is author of many popular articles, all worth immersing yourself in over tea.

    (3) RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting) – a great resource for information and scientific studies by objective thinkers and scientists concerning domestic violence and child abuse and its misrepresentation in family law. Don’t let the appearance of the web-site fool you. There are many great references. One on this site concerns Daniel Whitaker’s objective and innovative study about domestic violence that contradicts in dramatic ways propaganda by feminists about incidence of domestic violence and its victims – no surprise, but most are men and children victimized by women.

    (4) Phyllis Schlafly – She is a Constitutional attorney and political activist who almost single-handedly defeated the Equal Rights Amendment in the US back in the early 1970’s. This amendment had nothing to do with equal rights but global domination by feminists and a woman’s perspective and activism was required for its defeat, otherwise civilization would have had a much more abrupt end back then. She writes a lot about feminism, but other things too. But so much problems have been caused by feminism that it has consumed a lot of her writing and thought. What a waste of time. There are so many other real problems to solve.

    (5) Erin Pizzey – She started the first modern women’s shelter during 1972 in England. The story of its disaster and consequences to giving feminists a reservoir of women to recruit in their political terrorist campaign against men is well documented in many books. She is a hero of mine and the great grandmother of the defensive movement against feminists. Although she started out believing the propaganda of women against men concerning domestic violence, all it took was a short time with her own shelter before she realized the horrible reality of women and the destructive capacity of feminists.

    (6) Murray A. Straus – Professor of Sociology and Co-Director Family Research Laboratory University of New Hampshire, Durham – His seminal work was originally funded by feminists and was expected to support their propaganda but it didn’t and instead revealed the extraordinary violent potential of women, especially as they manipulated and lied about the research of others to their own ends. No surprise that he and others, including Erin Pizzey, have been the target of terrorist death threats by feminists.

    There are many more, but this is just a start. I am skeptical about your motives and intentions, as very very few women care about the political consequences of feminism, especially as it concerns men. Most just want this information so they can develop more effective campaigns against men. I am a research scientist and ecologist and recently finished my PhD in Psychology. As always, you can talk to me since I have nothing to do since my children were snatched and I have nothing left to live for. I don’t like to brag, but I have been working for the US federal gov’t for fifteen years and have a long history of identifying really tough problems and solutions to them. None of it makes me rich or popular. Just the opposite. Nothing kills a career more than identifying huge mistakes in thinking of your administration. And really there is no profit to pursuing the truth- its a lonely road. Real science is not a way to make money but a way to a higher level of existence without money. I’m lucky because when I look at my accomplishments over my twenty-five year career, I was operating above my abilities and its as if I was possessed by God to achieve what I did. I believe God speaks through us if you let Him and approach life without fear. Currently, my feminist supervisor is trying to terminate my position so she can replace me with a woman – everyone knows about her intentions, but she can’t be stopped. It’s too much work to fight anymore. I’ll be throwing in the towel soon. Without my children to inspire my work, I can’t do it anymore.

  12. Darryl Says:

    Two other valuable names when it comes to child support are Sanford Braver and William Comanor. They have a book called “The Law and Economics of Child Support Payments”. I think it was published in 2004, maybe later. The book is a comprehensive mathematical and legal analysis of child support in the US. It describes the underhanded and illegal way in which child support guidelines in the US were established, provides mathematically and financially responsible alternatives to those guidelines, and provides many examples of the consequences to present guidelines for children and their fathers in a post-feminist dystopian police state.

  13. John Feenstra Says:

    …I also suggested you read the book called ‘A City possessed’ written by the author called Lynley Hood this relates the Peter Ellis case…..

    Also go to this website ‘’…It even mentions the ‘Sisterhood’,and it also recommends here in N.Z, don’t become a Male School Teacher..

    My humble apology to you, for being born a Man and even worse …A Father….worst sin you can do here in Feminist N.Z …After all with ‘Feminism’ all Men are potential rapists and potential paedophiles….

    And Just for you,is some famous quotes from some famous vile and disgusting feminists quotes,that reminds me of the Nazi Germany state ,all written by famous feminists that you Kiwi Feminists worship and idolised ….enjoy the read

    Radical Feminist Quotes
    « H E » DROITS MASCULINS :: email
    posted 8 Dec 2008
    Radical Feminist Quotes
    From MensactivismWiki

    “The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.” — Linda Gordon

    “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” — Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

    “I haven’t the faintest notion what possible revolutionary role white hetero- sexual men could fulfill, since they are the very embodiment of reactionary- vested-interest-power. But then, I have great difficulty examining what men in general could possibly do about all this. In addition to doing the shitwork that women have been doing for generations, possibly not exist? No, I really don’t mean that. Yes, I really do.” — Robin Morgan

    “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.” — Robin Morgan

    “I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.” — Robin Morgan
    From her “The Demon Lover” (NY: Norton & Co., 1989 Morgan doesn’t hide her bigotry):
    p. 138-9: The phallic malady is epidemic and systemic… each individual male in the patriarchy is aware of his relative power in the scheme of things…. He knows that his actions are supported by the twin pillars of the State of man – the brotherhood ritual of political exigency and the brotherhood ritual of a sexual thrill in dominance. As a devotee of Thanatos, he is one with the practitioner of sado-masochistic “play” between “consenting adults,” as he is one with the rapist*
    p. 224: My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others’ agony.
    p. 229: Sex to this point in my life has been trivial, at best a gesture of tenderness, at worst a chore. I couldn’t understand the furor about it.
    p. 316: Did she die of the disease called “family” or the disease called “rehabilitation”, of poverty or drugs or pornography, of economics or sexual slavery or a broken body?
    “And let’s put one lie to rest for all time: the lie that men are oppressed, too, by sexism–the lie that there can be such a thing as ‘men’s liberation groups.’ Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group, specifically because of a ‘threatening’ characteristic shared by the latter group–skin, color, sex or age, etc. The oppressors are indeed FUCKED UP by being masters, but those masters are not OPPRESSED. Any master has the alternative of divesting himself of sexism or racism–the oppressed have no alternative–for they have no power but to fight. In the long run, Women’s Liberation will of course free men–but in the short run it’s going to cost men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily. Sexism is NOT the fault of women–kill your fathers, not your mothers”. — Robin Morgan
    “To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.” — Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto
    “Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex.” — Valerie Solana, SCUM founder (Society for Cutting Up Men.)
    “The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness…can be trained to do most things.” — Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men, started by Valerie Solanas)
    “Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” — Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW
    “I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women’s bodies.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “In my own life, I don’t have intercourse. That is my choice.” — Andrea Dworkin
    Under patriarchy, every woman’s son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “To be rapeable, a position that is social, not biological, defines what a woman is.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Q: People think you are very hostile to men. A: I am.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Men use the night to erase us.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “The annihilation of a woman’s personality, individuality, will, character, is prerequisite to male sexuality.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Men love death. In everything they make, they hollow out a central place for death, let its rancid smell contaminate every dimension of whatever still survives. Men especially love murder. In art they celebrate it, and in life they commit it. They embrace murder as if life without it would be devoid of passion, meaning, and action, as if murder were solace, stilling their sobs as they mourn the emptiness and alienation of their lives.” — Andrea Dworkin
    “Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it ‘Her’. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination.” — Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women
    “On the Left, on the Right, in the Middle; Authors, statesmen, thieves; so-called humanists and self-declared fascists; the adventurous and the contemplative, in every realm of male expression and action, violence is experienced and articulated as love and freedom.” — Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women.
    “The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist” — Ti-Grace Atkinson
    “Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson
    “Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear” — Susan Brownmiller; Authoress of Against Our Will p.6
    “When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression.” — Sheila Jeffrys
    “Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated.” — Catherine MacKinnon
    “All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.” — Catherine MacKinnon
    “You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs.” — Catherine MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.)
    “In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.” — Catharine MacKinnon, quoted in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies.
    “The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men.” — Sharon Stone; Actress
    “Ninety-five percent of women’s experiences are about being a victim. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive… women didn’t go to Vietnam and blow things up. They are not Rambo.” — Jodie Foster; Actress – as quoted in The New York Times Magazine.
    “The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” — Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future – If There Is One – Is Female.
    “And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference.” — Susan Griffin, Rape: The All-American Crime.
    “If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.” –Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001.
    “If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them.” – David Angier
    “Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” – Catherine Comins
    “As long as some men use physical force to subjugate females, all men need not. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women…he can sexually molest his daughters… THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN IN THE WORLD DO ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE.” — Marilyn French (her emphasis)
    My feelings about men are the result of my experience. I have little sympathy for them. Like a Jew just released from Dachau, I watch the handsome young Nazi soldier fall writhing to the ground with a bullet in his stomach and I look briefly and walk on. I don’t even need to shrug. I simply don’t care. What he was, as a person, I mean, what his shames and yearnings were, simply don’t matter.” — Marilyn French; The Woman’s Room.
    “All patriarchists exalt the home and family as sacred, demanding it remain inviolate from prying eyes. Men want privacy for their violations of women… All women learn in childhood that women as a sex are men’s prey.” — Marilyn French
    “All men are rapists and that’s all they are” — Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore’s Presidential Campaign.)
    “The media treat male assaults on women like rape, beating, and murder of wives and female lovers, or male incest with children, as individual aberrations…obscuring the fact that all male violence toward women is part of a concerted campaign.” — Marilyn French
    “I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” — Barbara Jordan; Former Congresswoman.
    “Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release.” — Germaine Greer.
    “Man-hating is everywhere, but everywhere it is twisted and transformed, disguised, tranquilized, and qualified. It coexists, never peacefully, with the love, desire, respect, and need women also feel for men. Always man-hating is shadowed by its milder, more diplomatic and doubtful twin, ambivalence.” — Judith Levine; Authoress
    “Men’s sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can ‘reach WITHIN women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.’ Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women’s own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, ‘even if she does not feel forced.’ — Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.)
    “I feel what they feel: man-hating, that volatile admixture of pity, contempt, disgust, envy, alienation, fear, and rage at men. It is hatred not only for the anonymous man who makes sucking noises on the street, not only for the rapist or the judge who acquits him, but for what the Greeks called philo-aphilos, ‘hate in love,’ for the men women share their lives with–husbands, lovers, friends, fathers, brothers, sons, coworkers.” — Judith Levine, Authoress of My Enemy, My love
    “There are no boundaries between affectionate sex and slavery in (the male) world. Distinctions between pleasure and danger are academic; the dirty-laundrylist of ‘sex acts’…includes rape, foot binding, fellatio, intercourse, auto eroticism, incest, anal intercourse, use and production of pornography, cunnilingus, sexual harassment, and murder.” — Judith Levine; summarizing comment on the WAS document, (A southern Women’s Writing Collective: Women Against Sex.)
    “All men are good for is fucking, and running over with a truck”. Statement made by A University of Maine Feminist Administrator, quoted by Richard Dinsmore, who brought a successful civil suit against the University in the amount of $600,000. Richard had protested the quote; was dismissed thereafter on the grounds of harassment; and responded by bringing suit against the University. 1995 settlement.
    ((Delaney Nickerson, of the American Coalition for ABUSE AWARENESS, refers to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation as “The Fucking Molesters Society”. (Miami Herald, April 3, 1995) The ACAA is a lobbying group, which includes Ellen Bass (co-author of THE COURAGE TO HEAL), and Rene Frederickson, leading feminist psychotherapist and strong proponent of repressed memory theory.))
    ((At the STONE ANGELS satanic ritual abuse conference in Thunder Bay in February, 1995, the following was contained in the handouts at a conference supported financially by the Ontario Government: FMS stands for: FULL OF MOSTLY SHIT; FOR MORE SADISM; FELONS, MURDERERS, SCUMBALLS; FREQUENT MOLESTERS SOCIETY.))
    “Women have their faults / men have only two: / everything they say / everything they do.” — Popular Feminist Graffiti
    “I was, in reality, bred by my parents as my father’s concubine… What we take for granted as the stability of family life may well depend on the sexual slavery of our children. What’s more, this is a cynical arrangement our institutions have colluded to conceal.”. — Sylvia Fraser; Journalist
    “We are taught, encouraged, moulded by and lulled into accepting a range of false notions about the family. As a source of some of our most profound experiences, it continues to be such an integral part of our emotional lives that it appears beyond criticism. Yet hiding from the truth of family life leaves women and children vulnerable.” — Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women.
    Catharine MacKinnon ( ) maintains that “the private is a sphere of battery, marital rape and women’s exploited labor.” In this way, privacy and family are reduced to nothing more than aspects of the master plan, which is male domination. Democratic freedoms and the need to keep the state’s nose out of our personal affairs are rendered meaningless. The real reason our society cherishes privacy is because men have invented it as an excuse to conceal their criminality. If people still insist that the traditional family is about love and mutual aid–ideals which, admittedly, are sometimes betrayed–they’re “hiding from the truth.” The family isn’t a place where battery and marital rape sometimes happen but where little else apparently does. Sick men don’t simply molest their daughters, they operate in league with their wives to “breed” them for that purpose. — Donna Laframboise; The Princess at the Window; (in a critical explication of the Catharine MacKinnon, Gloria Steinhem et al tenets of misandric belief.)
    “If the classroom situation is very heteropatriarchal–a large beginning class of 50 to 60 students, say, with few feminist students–I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment…of persuading students that women are oppressed” — Professor Joyce Trebilcot of Washington University, as quoted in Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women.
    “Men, as a group, tend to be abusive, either verbally, sexually or emotionally. There are always the exceptions, but they are few and far between (I am married to one of them). There are different levels of violence and abuse and individual men buy into this system by varying degrees. But the male power structure always remains intact.” Message on FEMISA, responding to a request for arguments that men are unnecessary for a child to grow into mature adulthood.
    Another posting on FEMISA: “Considering the nature and pervasiveness of men’s violence, I would say that without question, children are better off being raised without the presence of men. Assaults on women and children are mostly perpetrated by men whom they are supposed to love and trust: fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, step-fathers.” Both quotes taken from Daphne Patai’s excellent critical work, Heterophobia
    “At Brandies I discovered Feminism. And I instantly became a convert… writing brilliant papers in my Myths of Patriarchy class, in which I likened my fate as a woman to other victims throughout the ages.” — Heather Hart 7
    Here are 10 reasons why we are concerned about feminism and the National Organization for Women.

    1. “The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist” (National NOW Times, January, 1988).

    2. “Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage” (feminist leader Sheila Cronan).

    3. In response to a question concerning China’s policy of compulsory abortion after the first child, Molly Yard responded, “I consider the Chinese government’s policy among the most intelligent in the world” (Gary Bauer, “Abetting Coercion in China,” The Washington Times, Oct. 10, 1989).

    4. “Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole…patriarch!” (Gloria Steinem, radical feminist leader, editor of MS magazine).

    5. “Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women…. We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men…. All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft” (from “The Declaration of Feminism,” November, 1971).

    6. “By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God.” (Gloria Steinem, editor of MS magazine).

    7. “Let’s forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women…. Two thousand years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women toward the feminist ‘salvation’ of this world.” (Annie Laurie Gaylor, “Feminist Salvation,” The Humanist, p. 37, July/August 1988.

    8. “In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them” (Dr. Mary Jo Bane, feminist and assistant professor of education at Wellesley College, and associate director of the school’s Center for Research on Woman).

    9. “Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession… The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn’t be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that.” (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981.

    10. “The most merciful thing a large family can to do one of its infant members is to kill it.” (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in “Women and the New Race,” p. 67).
    “We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men.” — Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    From ‘A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985:

    MALE:…represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants…the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female.
    MAN:…an obsolete life form… an ordinary creature who needs to be watched…a contradictory baby-man…
    TESTOSTERONE POISONING: … ‘Until now it has been though that the level of testosterone in men is normal simply because they have it. But if you consider how abnormal their behavior is, then you are led to the hypothesis that almost all men are suffering from “testosterone poisoning.”
    Letter to editor: “Women’s Turn to Dominate”. “……Clearly you are not yet a free-thinking feminist but rather one of those women who bounce off the male-dominated, male-controlled social structures. Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is: if you don’t like it, bad luck–and if you get in my way I’ll run you down.” Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia. 9 Feb., 1996.

    “Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” – Catharine A. MacKinnon

    Bill Clinton’s fixation on oral sex — non-reciprocal oral sex — consistently puts women in states of submission to him. It’s the most fetishistic, heartless, cold sexual exchange that one could imagine. – (Andrea Dworkin)

    “I do want to be able to explain to a 9-year-old boy in terms he will understand why I think it’s OK for girls to wear shirts that revel in their superiority over boys.” — Treena Shapiro
    “In general, I support a girl’s right to offend any member of the opposite sex who happens to cross her path. In fact, I’d much rather see a little girl wearing a shirt that mocks boys than one that turns them on.” — Treena Shapiro

    We identify the agents of our oppression as men…….ALL MEN HAVE OPPRESSED WOMEN…..We do not need to change ourselves, but to change men……The most slanderous evasion of all is that women can oppress men.” –The Redstockings Manifesto

    “We regard our personal experience, and our FEELINGS about that experience, as the basis for an analysis of our common situation. We cannot rely on existing ideologies as they are all the products of male supremicist culture.” — The Redstockings Manifesto

    “I propose that the phenomenon of love is the psychological pivot in the persecution of women.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson in ‘Radical Feminism and Love’

    “Men are animals. Don’t you think so?” — Ireen von Wachenfeldt, radical feminist leader in Sweden
    “Heterosexuality is a die-hard custom through which male-supremacist institutions insure their own perpetuity and control over us. Women are kept, maintained and contained through terror, violence, and the spray of semen…[Lesbianism is] an ideological, political and philosophical means of liberation of all women from heterosexual tyranny… ” — Cheryl Clarke, “Lesbianism, An Act of Resistance,” in This Bridge Called My Back: Writing by Radical Women of Color
    “The care of children infinitely better left to the best trained practitioners of both sexes who have chosen it as a vocation…[This] would further undermine family structure while contributing to the freedom of women.” –Kate Millet, Sexual Politics 178-179

    “We live in a culture that condones and celebrates rape. Within a phallocentric, patriarchal state the rape of women by men is a ritual that daily perpetuates and maintains sexist oppression and exploitation. We cannot hope to transform “rape culture” without committing ourselves fully to resisting and eradicating patriarchy.” –Bell Hooks, “Seduced by Violence No More,” in Stan, Adele ed. Debating Sexual Correctness (New York, 1995) p.231.

  14. Darryl Says:

    Wow. These quotes are great because they reflect the irrational, illogical and solipsistic foundation of feminism. Many of these quotes sound word for word like ones from feminists in the US back in the 60’s and 70’s. I remember the “Take back the night” marches in the US during the 90’s that reminded me of the Brownshirts and the “night of the Long Knives” in Germany. Chilling. I never really thought of myself as a “walking dildo” before. At least she acknowledged I have some value. I guess in this world today, you’re either the woman or the dildo. I don’t know which is worse. LOL

  15. John Feenstra Says:

    Oh Miss Feminist, have a read of this book then send down to your …’The Ministry of Woman’s affairs’….or as I would call it ‘The ministry of Kiwi ‘Feminazi’ affairs’ …..!!!!

    Christina Hoff-Sommers’ 2001 book The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men,

  16. John Feenstra Says:

    …..Here is another website to show you, how this wonderful western European ‘Feminazi’ social engineering Feminism relates to there definition of ‘equality’……….

  17. Davide Says:

    “ALL women are untrustworthy. They can’t open their mouths without lying unless a dick is stuck in it.”

    Yeah, that’s a good way of convincing someone your movement is worth looking into. I hope you aren’t a recognizable face of the masculinist movement, for its own sake.

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